environmental reports

Get to know how well your business is performing with Selects advanced Environmental Waste Impact Reports.

With companies seeking a more sustainable approach to waste management and require documentation to show the monthly and annual performance, our advanced report enables you to see exactly where your business stands. With our new Pay-by-Weight you can be one of the first businesses with the UK to benefit from accurate weight statistics applied to your environmental reports. Each report can list the site address, date period, waste types, weight of each waste stream produced and how it is disposed of. By analysing this data we can calculate your recycling rates, diversion-from-landfill rate and advise on ways to improve your environmental performance.

Each report will list the total weight of waste being recycled, recovered (Energy-from-Waste) and going to landfill. Select are arecycling led company and always try to find ways for our clients to recycle more and divert waste from landfill. With the 2011 Waste Regulation (England and Wales) now in place it is the responsibility of all businesses to follow the waste hierarchy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Disposal). From a waste management point of view, recycling is best practice. By reviewing you disposal routes on your environmental reports you can reduce your environmental impact and save money by choosing a greener disposal route.

If your company is seeking UKAS ISO 14001 or maintaining this standard, our reporting tools are an excellent way to show you waste management performance and show continual annual improvement. By comparing each report you can easily identify where the improvements are and where further improvements can be made. Our Account Managers can assist you when making changes to your waste management solution to reach your environmental goals.

custom reporting

Our reports will provide you with all the information you need to review your organisations performance, however in some cases further requirements are needed from our reporting tools. Custom reports can be created to your specification allowing you to analyse and use you data in which every way you choose. As an example, one of our clients has custom report created to show the environmental performance of each department within their premises. This competitive approach encourages each department to recycle more, therefore increasing the overall environmental performance of the company.

To discuss your waste solution please call Select on 0118 975 9000

service options
& information


If you want your business to have accurate recycling statistics and increase savings based on the amount of waste you produce, then try our industry leading Pay-by-Weight solution.

waste container options

Click above for information on our pay-by-weight ready conatiners.