hazardous waste containers

Select provide a range of UN-type containers suitable for most hazardous waste items. In addition we can supply ADR labels and customised packaging.

Our Dangerous Safety Goods Advisor will provide advice on the most suitable container and will ensure that it meets legislation and the required transportation packaging standards. Solid, Liquid or Gas; each of our containers are UN-type approved, reducing the risk to your staff and our fully trained operatives.

large UN-type hazardous waste drum

120L UN-type drum

h:900mm x w:560mm x d:560mm

small UN-type hazardous waste drum

30L UN-type drum

h:520mm x w:330mm x d:330mm

pallet box

pallet box

h:760mm x w:1200mm x d:1000mm

hazpak container

Hazpak container

h:370mm x w:600mm x d:400mm

WEEE recycling 770 litre container

WEEE 770L container

h:1350mm x w:1400mm x d:790mm

fluorescent tube recycling container

Fluorescent tube container

Diameter: 360mm. Available in 3 heights: 120mmm, 1830mm or 2440mm

battery recycling box

9L Battery box

h:234mm x w:300mm x d:205mm

custom packaging

Custom packaging

Packaging to suit all waste types.

ADR labels

ADR labels

Packaging & transportation labels.

Roll on/off container

Roll on/off container

Available in 15.3m or 26.8m capacity.

Walk-in storage container

Enclosed Lockable REL

12.2m Walk-in storage container.

To discuss your waste solution please call Select on 0118 975 9000

services & processing

Hazardous Waste Disposal

Well known in the industry for the management, specialist advice and compliant disposal of all hazardous waste materials and chemicals.

Advice & Packaging

Qualified hazardous waste disposal advice from very our DGSA and UN-type approved,legally compliant containers complete with classification labels.

chemical waste

For the safe, compliant disposal of chemical waste; Select can advise, audit, pack, collect and dispose of all types of waste your business produces.

Liquid Waste

Select can provide tankers and containers to drain, pump and collect liquid waste from tanks, interceptors and industrial facilities.


Divert your general waste from landfill to an Energy-from-Waste facility that produces green electricity for homes and businesses.